I decided to start a weekly tarot reading series for the Tarot Monkey. The Tarot Monkey is really just the name I use for my tarot reading gig, chosen because I happen to like monkeys.
These weekly tarot readings will be posted every Monday at 9:30 AM Manila time.
For this week’s tarot reading: The Sun, the World, the Pope.
This spread is read from the inside (the World), spreading out (the Sun and the Pope).
The World: Think of all of your accomplishments (and there are more of them than you give yourself credit for). They may be in the form of material possession or important lessons from life experiences. As the World, you are a valued treasure.
The Sun: Inspire others around you. Let your personal integrity be your example; the way you think, the way you speak, the way live your life speak eloquently of the person you are right now. As the Sun, you are a light for others.
The Hierophant (or the Pope): People will approach you and seek your advice; let your experience help guide you in giving counsel. More importantly, let your experience remind you of things you do not know. Direct how events around you unfold not through force, but through ideas. As the Pope, you are a teacher and a guide.
Images are from the Tarot of the Imagination (art by Ferenc Pinter, published by Lo Scarabeo).